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co.lab Universal Standards

**Honors credit can be earned at the end of the semester in Biology, English and Global Studies by earning a 9.5 average.

We want students to thrive as people and as scholars. We identified 13 standards that reflect our goals for our students (which we hope they internalize). All co.lab courses (Biology, Digital Literacy, English, Health/PE and Global Studies) will evaluate students using the standards on a 10-4 scale. Earning a ten is considered mastery, and students that consistently achieve mastery, and finish the semester with a 9.5 (95%) average in Biology, English and/or Global Studies will earn Honors Credit which will be reflected on their transcripts. 


1.  Plan an Investigation

I can independently design and explain a complex investigation to verify a testable claim. 

  • This involves selecting relevant and credible resources to gather my evidence, considering multiple solutions, and revising the plan when appropriate.


I can independently, accurately, and effectively use appropriate resources, tools or technologies to carry out a complete investigation to test a hypothesis. This means I am able to…

  • follow the procedure to produce accurate, reliable and reproducible results. 

  • expertly apply the scientific method by controlling all potential variables. 

  • collect relevant data (qualitative and quantitative) during the investigation in an organized chart.

2. Carry out an Investigation

Reading & Writing

I can identify the complex main idea and demonstrate full comprehension of a text.

  • This means I can provide a concise and thoughtful summary that answers all of the following questions:  Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why?


I can identify the complex claim and counterclaim in a text. I can construct a complex claim and counterclaim that is supported by a variety of evidence, thorough reasoning, is clearly arguable or testable, is consistent throughout the text, and takes a purposeful position. ​


3.   Main Idea & Summary

4.   Write a Claim

I can identify a variety of evidence (details, examples, reasons, facts, data, models, figures, word choice) in multiple texts to support a claim and negate a counterclaim. I can select a variety of relevant, well-chosen evidence from multiple texts and accurately and seamlessly incorporate it in my writing to support the claim and negate counterclaims.

  • This means I can provide details, examples, reasons, facts, data, models, & figures.

5.   Provide Evidence

I can use evidence to make new complex, insightful observations and inferences about a text, model or phenomena. I can construct concise and thorough reasoning in my writing to explain how the evidence supports the claim and/or negates the counterclaim.

  • This may require the use of qualitative and quantitative data. 

  • This may require synthesis of a literary or informational text. (I might need to make inferences based on my observations about the author’s choices.)


6.   Provide Analysis

        & Reasoning

In my own writing, I can select and apply mentor text techniques, sentence structures, and grammar conventions that are appropriate to the task, purpose and audience.

7.   Style

Visual Communication

8. Developing Models            & Products

9. Design Principles

I can creatively and effectively select and use physical and digital tools to present relevant information, demonstrate knowledge and solve authentic problems. 

  • Prior to the creation of the final product, I can plan and manage a design process which includes brainstorming, generating ideas, prototyping and creating original, innovative products.

Use Design Principles: I can implement the design principles creatively, effectively and consistently to publish and present content that is original and thoughtful and has a clear, customized message for my intended purpose and audience.

Verbal Communication

My communication follows a line of reasoning, is organized, developed, and is appropriate for the audience and task. My overall presentation grabs and keeps the audience’s attention.

  • I maintain and vary my eye contact.

  • My posture and gestures (body language) are confident and purposeful.

  • I pronounce each word clearly.

  • I vary the volume of my voice to match the ideas/meaning in the speech and use natural, helpful pauses. ​

10. Present & Discuss


Through various factors (standards-based grading, collaborative learning, flexible groups, project-based learning, etc)  I can achieve and surpass set goals by the established deadline. Through reflection, I can make progress in multiple standards within a given time frame.

I can consistently and effectively work to show my knowledge and skills in various activities in class and seek resources to help meet goals. 

  • In a group or team, I step up and step back depending on the situation.

  • I earn the team’s trust and respect in a kind way.

  • I support and encourage all team members.

  • In physical education, I dress in uniform and participate at all times.

13. Leadership

12. Collaboration

11. Achievement

I can consistently and effectively work appropriately and productively to participate in a team.

  • I stay on task, create/meet deadlines, share ideas, and provide and respond to feedback.

  • I listen to ideas from everyone on my team.

  • I help other people put their ideas into action.

Click on the pencil to see the chart we give students to better understand their grades.  

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